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Tuesday, 17 March 2009


Holger Nauheimer

Thanks for that, nicely said. Today, I had my first #unfollowtuesday (about 10 people unfollowed me, and I did the same with another 10).

So, here is my little wisdom: I use Twitter
a) for professional / marketing reasons,
b) instead of email, more and more, to quickly exchange important and not so important information, and
c) to be up-to-date on what's hot in my professional sphere.
d) I do also follow some people in my hobby area (cycling) and some other areas of interest (I am very selective about this)

I don't use Facebook very often, when I do I tend to use it for more private exchanges. But I have just asked my assistant to advise me on a better Facebook presence I might or might not.

But people have all kinds of reasons to decide this way or that way. Believe me, a lot of young people twitter (including my daughter) but Twitter is like real life - you won't usually be at a party of folks from your kid's generation (although my wife calls me an "professional adolescent" - I am 50 as well). So, it is just natural that you follow people who are more in your age group.

Hey, this could be the subject of an interesting sociological research: Who follows who, or: is Twitter an ideal tool to map sociological levels such as gender, age, education level etc.

Another reason why Twitter might attract a lot of people in our generation: it is easier and quicker to use and you don't need to think so much about the appearance of your profile.

By the way - I mainly twitter about change management and Web 2.0 (if you are interested: http://twitter.com/hnauheimer)

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